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Here are some questions and answers that may help you.

What are Microgreens?


Scientifically speaking, a Microgreen is a plant harvested at the Cotyledon stage. It's not a sprout and it’s not a baby green but at a stage of growth between the two. Microgreens are grown in either hydroponic or soil media and harvested before the development of true leaf. Learn more here.




What are the benefits of Microgreens?


Microgreens are truly Super-food. There have been multiple studies showing how nutritious these seedlings can be. Not only are they nutritious, but different Microgreens provide different concoctions of micro nutrients. Microgreens also pack a lot of flavor ranging from very mild, to aromatic and even spicy.



Do microgreens really have the health benefits that you state on your website?


Absolutely! If you research the health benefits of microgreens, you'll find a plethora of studies that show how powerful these little greens are. Think about it. These are just the small version of the larger plant but with up to 40x more nutrients! So whenever you read about the health benefits of other vegetables, it applies to microgreens as well! Please keep in mind, these are not our claims and we do not, in any way, say that these are miracle greens that can cure everything. We use widely available scientific studies to make our own assumptions based on the facts. We highly recommend you do your own research before making a purchase so you fully understand what microgreens are.




Are you certified organic?


We are not certified organic growers. However, all of our seeds are either certified Organic from our vendors or are Non-GMO. We consider our growing method as organic because we don't use any fertilizers, pesticides or even soil that might be contaminated, as we use Coco Coir as a grow medium. Plus we only use purified water during the growing process. So technically, it is organic growing, but without the piece of paper saying so. So it's as close to organic as you can possibly get.



Do microgreens need to be washed before eating them?


According to the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), it is recommended that all produce should be rinsed before consumption. Our microgreens are grown in a sterile environment, but we still recommend that you give them a wash just in case there was any contamination after delivery. Just give them a very quick rinse with cold filtered water then either pat dry with a clean paper towel, place them on a drying rack for a few minutes or spin them dry in a salad spinner. Try not to soak your microgreens when rinsing them. Also keep in mind that our microgreens are grown in purified water. So, if you do not have filtered water in your home, you could be introducing chlorine and other toxic chemicals to your microgreens before consumption.  Rinsing your microgreens will also help in washing off any seed hulls that may still be stuck on the tops of the greens.




How does the Limited contact-delivery work?


All subscriptions get delivered on either Tuesday or Thursday.  All we ask of you is to leave a cooler with some ice packs in a shaded area by your front door by 8 am. This allows us to quietly drop off your fresh Microgreens while limiting personal contact. Delivery window is typically between 8 am-2 pm.


**Our drivers will not enter any yards that are fenced off and gates are closed for safety reasons.  If the gate is closed the driver will honk the car horn to signal he is outside.  If no one comes outside he will make an attempt to call you with the phone number listed on your account.




Is there a subscription service?


Yes there is!  We have 3 plans at this time: Weekly, Bi-Weekly or Once a month delivery.  These plans are recurring till canceled.




Can I cancel a subscription at any time?


Absolutely! You are not obligated to continue to receive our Microgreens if you choose not to. All you have to do if you would like to cancel your subscription is email us two weeks before the day you want as a final delivery stating your wish to cancel. 


Please keep in mind that all subscriptions are grown to order. We cannot issue any refunds during the delivery week itself.  All we can do is cancel the auto-renewal before it charges your card again. The next delivery date will then be the final delivery.



Can I buy just one or two items?

Sure you can.  Just head over to the store pages and browse through current and special order items and choose what you want.  Once you place the order we will start growing your Microgreens!  You will receive an email on when it will be delivered.



What is your delivery area?



34431, 34432, 34433, 34434, 34473, 34474, 34476, 34481.



Is there a charge for delivery?


At this time we are offering FREE delivery on all Subscription service orders of $20 or more.  


All orders under $20 will incur an $10 delivery fee.




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